SMUDGING is a spiritual cleansing technique used to purify a space, removing stagnant energy and restore balance, replacing it with new energy and intentions using smoke from WHITE SAGE, PALO SANTO or INCENSE.
Before any Smudge Ritual, make sure you have cleared your mind from any distractions, it's important to be in the right mindset and not naggy or grumpy. This might also mean asking your fellow room-mates (partner, kids & pets included) to kindly leave, while you work through the home.
Energy is everything, so set your intentions and what you would like to bring into the space.
Light one end of the SAGE smudge stick, allow it to burn for a 10-15 seconds & then gently blow it out.
The smouldering end of the SAGE smudge stick will remain hot, so always carry it around in a heat resistant dish (like an abalone shell or selenite bowl).
To cleanse your crystals &/or jewellery, allow the smoke from the SAGE to waft over them.
To cleanse the energy in your home, ensure you have opened any windows to allow the smoke to escape. Smudge one room at a time, starting at the entrance doorway, walk around the room wafting the smoke with your hand or a feather & imagine the old energy being replaced with new energy. Make sure the smoke fills all the high and low corners of each room to move the stagnant energy & remember, "Energy flows where attention goes!"
To extinguish your smudge stick, rub it lightly in dirt or sand, on concrete or in a ceramic dish (never wet your smudge stick)
I've added below some Cleansing Prayers that you might want to use.
"I bless this space and cleanse away all negative energy. Only positive energy is allowed"
"I cleanse away all the negative thoughts and energy. I fill myself with love and positive energy"